Welcome to all those who have stumbled upon my little old blog! I hope you'll find my story intriguing, if not, move along....
So why are you going to Chile?
If you've been following me for the past week, you'll notice a lot of changes have been taking place. Basically, it has been my dream to teach internationally after graduation. As a result, I sent my resumé out to literally every American school in Chile. After months and months of no responses, I gave up hope and began to focus my attention on a different route, teaching English. I found a few programs for teaching English internationally that I would settle for (these programs pay very little and require a steep tuition fee). I also am a bit turned off to these types of teaching programs as I am a certified teacher, and have spent the last 5 years in school learning how to become a teacher. Many of those programs do not require participants to have teaching certifications.
About a week and a half ago, I woke up and checked my e-mail, like always. To my surprise I had received an e-mail from an American school in Chile that had received my resumé and asked if I was still interested. Of course I replied immediately and scheduled a Skype interview for two days later. And so, the rest is history.
The school needs me ASAP, as they will be going into their second semester on July 27th. Chile's seasons are opposite ours here in the States.
I have been scrambling to get my life in order before the big move. It's so frustrating how difficult it is to temporarily move internationally. Once I get my work visa, I will be on the next plane (conveniently paid for by my new school). Once there, they will hook me up with a hotel for the first week until we can settle on a housing arrangement.
I'm super excited for this next chapter of my life to begin. Of course I'm nervous, but its the kind of nervous you get when you start a new relationship or when you're climbing up that gigantic hill before dropping on a rollercoaster.