Hola amigos! Cómo estai? ;)
Finally, a normal week! No Independence days or giant earthquakes or Open Houses! That being said, I don’t have much to report.
I am happy to announce that I got myself a Spanish tutor –she comes to my house and gives me private lessons twice a week. My Spanish is much better, but it’s still important for me to get that one-on-one instruction too.
I also finally went to my language exchange group Wednesday night. Last week I didn’t go because I was busy with the earthquake, and the previous week I was sick. Even though I was super tired from school (I hate Wednesdays), I forced myself to go. I had a great time and met some really fun people. I made friends with 3 young Chileans –we plan to get together next weekend.
This weekend was pretty low-key. Of course I did some shopping –how can I not when I live 5 minutes from the largest mall in Santiago? I was trying to go skiing this weekend up in the mountains but plans fell through. Perhaps next weekend!
In terms of earthquakes, the aftershocks seem to be dwindling away. Last week, we would have like 12 small quakes a day. Now, we have one every few days or so.
^^Horses outside of my classroom
^^ The mountains were so clear after a good rain
^^ The sunrise was unreal the other morning!
Laughable Moments:
I have lived here for about 1.5 months and have already gone through 3 umbrellas –I always leave them places!!
In school, we asked the kids to think of something they “rock” at – we didn’t anticipate that they would have such difficulty understanding what it means to “rock” at something – “Miss, are you calling us rocks?” and “I rock the pencil?”
Sometimes you just want to buy a plunger for your sink but you don’t know how to say “plunger” in Spanish. So, you have to show the sales associate pictures of plungers instead. (They didn’t understand the Google translated version of plunger)
I’m 90% sure I walked passed my landlord playing the guitar for money on the street
We had to have a conversation in class that the word "hair" and "her" are pronounced differently.
All of the first graders enjoy playing "rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" any chance they get -except here its called Ca Chi Pun, and the words have no significance.
^^ Because who wouldn't want a Class of 2012 T-Shirt in 2015?!
^^What she wants to improve on and how she will improve. The 'follow the line' picture is my favorite :P
^^This one is for Kara (Karol) who refers to me as Kem ;)
^^My very own brand of coffee
^^ Missing my silly boy!
This post is dedicated to a friend back home going through a particularly rough time. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. I’ll always be baffled by the notion that the most terrible things happen to the least-deserving people. Sending you happy thoughts and good vibes my friend.